Support for Academia Drug Discovery

Consultation and Educational Activities

For academia concerned about DR drug discovery research

Drug repositioning (DR), which enables fast and inexpensive drug development, is highly compatible with drug discovery in academia, which is why DR is being conducted in many academia, as it eliminates the need to spend a lot of money and time on non-clinical studies and establishing GMP manufacturing methods. However, many in academia face many problems, such as not knowing how to obtain intellectual property rights and lack of cooperation from pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, we, with our experience and know-how in DR, are ready to consult with you.

    1. How can a use patent, the lifeline of DR, be granted?
    1. I asked for cooperation from the pharmaceutical company selling the subject drug, but they refused.
    1. I don’t know how to obtain (manufacture) investigational drugs
    1. Inability to respond to requests from PMDA
    1. I don’t know what conditions are necessary to start a clinical trial.

We believe that there are cases where it is not possible to promote DR that is beneficial to patients due to issues such as the following. As a pioneer in DR, our CEO Tohru Mizushima has consulted with many people in academia. Therefore, as a company, we have started the Academia DR consulting business. It is also possible for us to receive a portion of the intellectual property in lieu of consulting fees. Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems with DR, not limited to the above.

What we can do in the consulting business

We accept requests for speaking engagements.

We accept requests for lectures. We have received many requests from universities and companies, and have received positive feedback from them. Our lecture topics cover a wide range of topics related to drug discovery, including DR and DDS. Please feel free to send us your request for a lecture by filling out the inquiry form.

About Recent Lectures

October 2022
CSJ Chemistry Festa

The Power of Biotechnology to Transcend Common Sense and Limitations and Open a New Era: How to Create Drugs that Transcend Common Sense in Drug Discovery

November 2022
Niigata University

Drug repositioning (DR) tips for drug discovery in academia

To Collaborative R&D and Consultation